Jesus used part of it to battle the devil in the wilderness
Matthew 4:4 ---
"But he (Jesus)
answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
Here's Luke's account:
Luke 4:4 ---
"And Jesus
answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by
bread alone, but by every word of God."
We live in a day when much is being said about
Jesus nearly startles us here when He declares that men MUST
have more than just food (bread) to really live!
God's Word is essential to real life as well!
The verb "written" is so beautiful in this text! It's a
"perfect" verb in Greek ... suggesting something done in time
past ... but with continuing results!
The Word of God was written in the past! It is
complete! BUT it still has influence and power today!
Glory to God!
"Alone" here can mean just "by itself!" Jesus is not
saying for us to quit eating. Just be sure that we eat
God's Word as well as solid food!
What parts of God's Word would then be best "to eat?"
EVERY word! The adjective is "pas" and means all or the
whole of something! (Entirely!)
The noun "word" is not "logos" as one would have imagined!
It is "rema" (or "rhema") and of course means word or saying ...
but it has a particular nuance. It hints at "specific" words
chosen for a certain occasion. Surveying ALL of Scripture
and selecting just what is needed for the moment! Here's
an example: Paul said we are to take "The Sword of the
Spirit (ALL the Bible), which is the WORD ("rema") of God (A
specific verse)! Ephesians 6:17
And "proceedeth" translates a Greek word that means to go
(travel) from one point to another. From God's mouth to my
heart (through the Scriptures)! It's a present tense verb
too! (On-going action!)
This is being written on a Sunday. Christian friend, be
SURE to feed on the Word of God today! (That means
tomorrow is Monday also. Feed on it then too!) It is
necessary for your spiritual health!
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell
JULY 2, 2004 (FRIDAY):
I thought it was a very unusual verse!
Here it is:
"Sanctify the LORD of hosts
himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread."
Isaiah 8:13
The verb "sanctify" (in Hebrew = "qadash") means to
reverence, to set apart, to dedicate, to hallow or even to
separate or keep different! (The "root" idea is something
that is "clean!")
The "Lord of Hosts" is the Name of God that particularly
emphasizes His ability to wage war! (His fighting Name!)
He is the Head of all the armies of heaven!
And, apparently, if we focus solely on our great God ... He
will become the focus of all our emotions, goals and
He even will be our "fear" and "dread!"
I think the verse is saying that we should let God be
terminal focus (the "end" goal) of all our feelings!
If we reverence Him completely ... our concern ("fear") will
be pleasing Him in all things!
The Bible says a lot about the FEAR of the Lord!
Our word here is "mora" (Hebrew for "fear" in this verse) and
can literally mean "terror!" Sounds like Paul to me!
He said: "Knowing therefore the
terror of the Lord, we persuade men ...." 2
Corinthians 5:11
The word "dread" is a synonym as well. It comes from a
root verb that means to tremble!
A wise old preacher once said:
"If we fear men ... it means we don't fear God! BUT if we
fear God ... we will not fear men!"
There you have it!
Let God be God in your life!
(He IS whether you let Him or not, by the way!)
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell
JUNE 24, 2004:
Jesus said it in John 17:17!
"Sanctify them through thy truth:
thy word is truth."
He of course is praying to His Father.
The verb "sanctify" (in Greek = "hagaizo") means to set
apart, to consecrate or to regard as cleansed! The verb is
in the imperative mood! It's a command! Jesus prayed
with great energy and emotion! (And the Father answers His
prayers too!)
The little pronoun "them" refers to born-again children of
God! In Greek it's "autos." And be sure of this.
We were sanctified (set apart) when we first got saved! At
least that's what Paul told the Corinthians, who yet had a ways
to go to live up to their position of being sanctified! 1
Corinthians 6:11 --- "And such were some
of you: but ye are washed, but
ye are sanctified,
but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the
Spirit of our God." Being sanctified in Christ (1
Corinthians 1:30 says: "But of him
are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.")
we are now to so live!
How can we live such godly lives? By the power of the
Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:13 --- "But
we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren
beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen
you to salvation through
sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.")
and by the effectiveness of the Word of God! (The "Truth"
of our verse here today!)
Jesus here is plainly saying that the WORD of God sanctifies
The preposition "through" is interesting! It's the
Greek word "en" and means within! Get INTO the Word of God!
There you will be more and more sanctified for pure holy daily
living! ("A fixed position of place!")
The noun "truth" means that which is NOT concealing things!
Nothing to hide! Jesus said "If it
were not so, I would have told you!" (John 14:2)
Again ... nothing hidden!
The noun "word" is "logos," our word for "logic!" God
is very Logic personified! When He speaks ... His perfect
thoughts are delivered word for word! That what we have in
the Bible! The literal Word of God! And it has POWER
... to sanctify us!
The more the Word of God gets IN you ... the more you'll get
OUT of the world!
The more the Word of God gets IN you ... the more the Holy
Spirit with have control IN you too!
The verb "is" ("Thy Word IS Truth!")
translates "estin" (a form of "eimi"), the Greek verb "to be."
It's an indicative present active 3rd person singular form.
It "is" now and
will keep on being (as long as the time is "now")!
That sounds like for ever to me!
Spend time IN the Word today!
The benefits are staggering!
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell
MAY 10, 2004 (MONDAY)
The verse is found in the great Bible Book of Wisdom,
Proverbs. Here it is in its entirety:
diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone,
it will return upon him." Proverbs 26:27
I believe the words of the verse are all pretty common.
Therefore I shall not "exegete" each noun and verb ... but try
to apply its great truth to everyday life.
Yesterday the news reported that an explosion had rocked a
stadium in the Chechen capital of Grozny. (One of the
Russian Republics)
The explosion, planted by terrorists, killed the country's
It was barely reported by American news sources!
Then I read a little sentence in the Associated Press article
that stunned me. It said (and I quote):
"Nearly every day Russians soldiers are
reported killed in small attacks by rebels and by rebel-set
Russians soldiers killed daily by terrorists!
Yet we hear nothing of that!
BUT if something happens in Iraq ... anything that can make
President George Bush look bad ... get ready! It will be
on the news again and again and again!
We are not the only ones terrorists are attacking around the
It's just that our news is so twisted and slanted and biased
that we hardly know the real truth anymore!
WHY do the major
sources always lean to the liberal side of the scales? Why
do they always attack the conservative candidates. Why do
they always take the side of immorality? Why can't they at
least try to be fair?
Let me tell you what they are doing?
They are digging a pit!
They are rolling a stone up a hill!
And you know what's going to happen to this so-called
Once the terrorists (whom the media so loves and defends) do
take over ... THE FIRST TARGET THEY WILL DESTROY is the press
The news media will then be run by a bunch of rebels and
terrorists for sure! (I mean different rebels than
run it now!)
Check it out!
Any country that falls to anarchy and terrorism ... looses
their free press at once!
News men (and women) ... go ahead! Defend the enemy all
you choose!
Your day is coming.
You WILL fall into the very pit you have dug!
You WILL be crushed by the very stone whose "liberties to
roll" you have defended!
How do I know?
The Bible tells me so!
Again ... "Whoso diggeth a pit shall
fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon
him." Proverbs 26:27
At least that's today's "Bible Nugget."
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell
APRIL 23, 2004 (FRIDAY)
Yesterday Sister Norma sent me to the coin laundry to wash some
clothes! Can you imagine that? She gave me all my
instructions ... and off I went ... with a couple of godly books
under my arm! As I read (and the machines washed and
dried) I found a refreshing verse of Scripture!
It's in Isaiah 27:3. God has just mentioned His People
Israel. He had compared them to a vineyard! (HIS
Listen to how God cares for His prized possession!
"I the LORD do keep it;
I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it
night and day." Isaiah 27:3
What a series of assurances to the Lord's people!
Dear Christian friend, we have New Testament "proof" that
we're His vineyard too! (John 15. He is the vine and we
are the branches!)
Look what He does for us!
He "keeps" us. The verb "natzsar" means to protect, to
guard or to maintain! It is a participle and suggests
on-going action. God is STILL guarding us to this day.
This great verb is used 65 times in the Bible ... in some very
encouraging ways!
Another verb, "water" translates "shaqah." It means "to
irrigate!" To cause to drink! It also is a word picturing
habitual constant action! God "waters" us constantly (with
His Word)! See Ephesians 5:26.
"Every moment" is a unique expression. I find the
"string" 4 times in the Bible. In Job 7:18 that suffering
saint is "tried" every moment by God! And twice in Ezekiel
people are seen trembling every moment! (Ezekiel 26:16 and
32:10.) BUT here ... God is caring for us every moment!
Sharing with us His Word and His Spirit! Glory to His dear
Name! The word itself ("rega") means a "wink of the eye!"
Lest any "hurt" it! That verb (hurt) is in Hebrew "paqad."
Here the word means "to visit with hostile intent!" The
word can mean "to visit" either for good or evil. The
"context" of a passage determines its precise usage. In
our text God VISITS us for good ... so that harm cannot VISIT us
for evil!
And the second use of "keep" just repeats the verb "natzsar"
defined at the first of this study. The Lord God makes a
pretty good Protector! He is our Shield! He is our
Fortress! We are "under His Wings!"
Then we have the expression "night and day." Notice it
is NOT day and night. The "string" night and day is
found 13 times in the Bible! (The "string" day and
night however is found 28 times, more than twice as many!)
I believe night and day suggests to us that we may first have
to endure the "night" times (the hard times, the trying times)
... but then, be sure ... brighter times ("day" times) are
coming! It's like Psalm 30:5 says:
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."
I believe this is one of the greatest Bible verses promising
God's care that I have ever seen!
Isn't it great to belong to Him!
He surely cares for us!
Old Simon Peter was right when he said
"Casting all your care upon him (the Lord Jesus); for he careth
for you!" 1 Peter 5:7
Praise His Name!
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell
Revelation 4:8 declares it in the New Testament:
"And the four beasts had each of them six
wings about him; and they were full of eyes
within: and they rest not day and night, saying,
Holy, holy, holy,
Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."
And in Isaiah 6:3 in the Old Testament the Seraphim speak:
"And one cried unto another, and
said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of
his glory."
They are speaking of God's major attribute. Maybe I
should say the trait of Almighty God's that is central to His
Being --- His very Holiness!
I know of no verses that say He is love, love, love! Or
eternal, eternal, eternal. Or all knowing, all knowing,
all knowing!
But TWICE we are told that He is
Holy, Holy!"
You see, love without holiness could become lust of some
Knowledge without holiness could degenerate into idle and
wicked curiosity!
Patience without holiness can become weak tolerance of
anything that comes along!
God is HOLY first of all!
He cannot sin!
I am told that the Hebrew word for "holy" is believed to come
from a stem that means "to cut!" To be separated from the
rest! To be different!
Well, God is certainly That! He is unique. He is
And guess what?
Our great God has equipped us to also be holy.
In fact, He demands it of us!
Leviticus 11:45 ---
"For I am the LORD that bringeth you up out of the land
of Egypt, to be your God: ye shall therefore be holy, for I
am holy."
1 Peter 1:16 ---
"Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."
He even gives us the HOLY Spirit to help us!
I challenge you today ... ask God to help you be more and
more holy ... to His glory! He loves to hear (and answer)
that prayer!
And ... the more holy you become ... the more the Holy Spirit
will control you! The more He will "cut" you apart from
all the world! The more He will "separate" you from evil!
Hebrews 1:9 says of Jesus:
hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God,
even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness
above thy fellows."
No wonder Believers are called "saints!" (That's just a
word that means holy ones!)
Let's live like that today ... to the glory of God!
That's today's "nugget" from the precious Word of God!
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell
April 1, 2004
The Bible
is important for many reasons. After all, God wrote it!
It is not
only of utmost significance for what it says ... but also for
what it does not say!
Let me show
you what I mean.
Scripture describes Melchizedek (Genesis 14) it does not give us
his parentage! It mentions no father or mother.
(Usually the Old Testament will do so.)
We perhaps would not think
much of that ... but Paul (thus the Holy Spirit Who inspired
Paul) does!
For in Hebrews when Melchizedek is being discussed we are
told that he was ... "Without father,
without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of
days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God;
abideth a priest continually." (Hebrews 7:3)
Here is a Bible doctrine in Hebrews built partially upon a
Bible omission in Genesis 14! (Wow!)
Today let me focus this principle on the Gospel of Mark.
What did Mark omit in His story of Jesus?
He leaves out the complete genealogy of Jesus!
Nor does he give birth details! (No wise men in Mark!)
In fact (amazingly) the Virgin Birth is not even detailed in
He omits the Sermon on the Mount (3 whole chapters in
In fact, Mark gives no lengthy messages of Jesus!
Also you will find few parables in Mark. (He just does
not emphasize Jesus' teachings!)
There are no "woe" passages in Mark either! (Plenty in
Matthew and Luke though!)
As Jesus dies in Mark there's no mention of His being able to
call the legions of angels to help Him!
Neither is there any thief calling on Jesus to remember him
in the kingdom!
What's the point of all this?
(The Bible teaching by its very omissions!)
Mark presents Jesus in a special way.
Not as the King (that's Matthew)!
Not as the perfect man (that's Luke)!
Not even as the Son of God with eternal credentials (that's
BUT ... as a lowly servant!
Mark's key verse:
"For even the Son of man came not to
be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a
ransom for many." Mark 10:45
And with a servant ... even the Servant of God ... there's no
need for a genealogy or a detailed birth record or a long record
of his words or any mention of angels being at His command!
That's just not necessary for a servant!
Everything Mark omits ... is compatible with his presentation
of Jesus as God's Perfect Servant!
Learn to read the Bible not only for what it says ... but
also for what it does not say!
Did you ever stop to think that David's terrible sin with
Bathsheba is carefully (and shamefully) recorded in 2 Samuel but
is left out in the parallel Chronicles material? Why?
There must be a reason!
Because Chronicles emphasizes God's GRACE! And in God's
grace ... David's sin had been forgiven ... and apparently
Glory to God!
(Another lesson from the omissions of the Bible!)
Hope you got a "nugget" today! I sure did!
--- Dr. Mike Bagwell